Circular Dartmoor Walk and Classic Dartmoor Legend | Princetown

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Trev's back out on Dartmoor, for a circular walk from Princetown downloaded from Viewranger, visiting some new tors and old, and touching on a classic Dartmoor Legend.

This easy to follow 9 mile circular walk follows the tracks around the Walkhampton Common area out of Princetown, weaving in around tors such as Kingstor, Foggintor Quarry and Swell Tor, with views of the fantastic tors of Merrivale, Middle and Great STaple, Roos Tor and Great Mis Tor. Then its heading out over Ingra Tor, where views of the Sheepstor area come into sight, (including Leather Tor and Sharpitor) then across the B3212 where we walk alongside the Devonport Leat and the River Meavy to take in two new Tor's, Black Tor and Hart Tor. And we stop off for a Dartmoor legend along the way!