Dein Weg. Über die Alpen mit Bergzeit - Vom Spitzingsee nach Sterzing

Podobni Video posnetki:
The most ice weve ever seen underground
Has the world left you out in the cold? Do you feel rejected by every little soc...
Expecting Challenges
Expecting only 'smooth sailing' on the trail of life will result in disappointme...
- Hiking with death wish
Some may take great risks while seeking thrilling adventures. But isn't there al...
Would you hike in Hurricane
Wind is one of the most potent weather patterns. If you're outside, at the beach...
Should you take your kids on dangerous hikes
If you don't take your kids and teach them some measure of trail manners and saf...
Spitzingsee – Sterzing: Die Bergzeit Route
Gemeinsam mit einem Bergführer-Kollegen hat sich Bergzeit diese Weitwanderroute für 2022 neu ausgedacht, um Wanderer jeden Typs zu inspirieren, sich auf den Weg über die Alpen zu machen.