Dolomiti di Sesto by drone | Tre Cime di Lavaredo

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Sesto Dolomites, which are located in the eastern part of South Tyrol, form the north-eastern sector of the Italian Dolomites and are hikers’ paradise par excellence. All the beauty of this naturalistic paradise is contained in the Tre Cime Natural Park. The Park, which since 2009 has been part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage, covers an area of about 116 hectares and is divided between the municipalities of Sesto, San Candido and Dobbiaco. The most famous rock formation of the Sesto Dolomites is the Tre Cime di Lavaredo (2,999 m), located on the border between Alto Adige and the province of Belluno. The view from the north on its faces is known throughout the world. Other important peaks are Cima Tre Scarperi (3,145 m), Croda dei Toni (3,094 m), and Monte Paterno (2,744 m).