Red Trillium/Wake Robin/Wet Dog Trillium,/Stinking Benjamin/Toad Shade/Birthroot - What is in name

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These names tell the natural history story and biology of our native Red Trillium (Trillium erectum! Each name refers to a unique feature of the plant and its ecology or ethnobotanical use! A beautiful ephemeral spring woodland wildflower. In this video I tell how to identify it and the biology of this plant through its names! Red of course refers to its flower color and trillium refers to all its parts in threes! The species name 'erectum' refers to the flower on an upright stem. Wake Robin, refers to the American Robin, one of first birds to arrive in the spring just as this plant is one of first to flower and spring and of course both have eye catching red colors. Wet Dog Trillium and Stinking Benjamin refer to the malevolant odor of the flower said to smell like a wet dog or rotting carrion. The odor is intended to attract flies to pollinate the flower in absence of many of the usual pollinators in the cold early spring. Toad Shade refers to its size and height, just perfect for a toad to sit underneath in the shade. Also known as Birthroot, a name corrupted to Bethroot, this name refers to its use by indigenous peoples as a medicine to aid in child birth and induce labor contractions. My channel is dedicated to teaching about nature and the environment. Education in an fun and engaging way that includes many biological principles and concepts in every content rich episode.